Thursday, August 2, 2007


This is unbelievable, or is it?

April 1, 2007, in Denver County Traffic Court ,, Denver , Colorado , my wife had to appear in traffic court as a result of a speeding ticket. She was speeding and knew she would have a fine to pay. We have no problem with that. The rest of the court experience, however, is something we should all stand up and take exception to and ask what is happening to the United States ?

She was asked to be in court by 4:30 PM today, with which she complied. However, when she got there, it was announced that all non-English speaking persons with traffic violations would be taken care of first. The reasoning being that the interpreter leaves every day at the same time and does not stay late. So, a reward for not speaking English is one gets to go the front of the line.

Next, the non-English speaking individuals do not have driver's licenses or insurance. Never was it asked why they did not have licenses, what they were doing to get licenses or insurance. What they were given for driving without a license was a $35 fine. Since many of them did not have $35 they were also given payment terms. So, they are granted another reward for not having the money to pay the fines.

My wife, who was born in Denver, Colorado, raised here, and lived here all her life, was given a $249 fine for her speeding ticket, was not given payment terms, and had to wait until all the non- speaking, aliens were treated first. If I understand this correctly:

* Let's never require the non -English speaking individuals who live in this country to learn English.

* Let's never require they become citizens of this United States of America .

* Let's never require them to ever get driver's licenses and pray they never kill someone on the road with their driving.

* Let's never require they get automobile insurance, so that all of us who do will pay higher and higher premiums.

* Let's make sure that those of us who do get injured by these individuals pay higher and higher health insurance premiums.

* Let's make sure those who can pay their fines, pay big ones to subsidize all those $35 fines on payment plans.

* Let's make sure we never inconvenience them and let's never inconvenience the interpreters in this country who may have to work late.

Our Country is eroding every day right before our eyes. No country in the world has ever survived having 2 major languages. We are heading down that path.

Respectfully, John DiNardo

14476 East Caley Ave.

Aurora, Colorado 80016

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