Sunday, August 26, 2007

Black-Brown Coalition

Some Third World life forms have been able to develop a niche market saying things White commentators are afraid say.

This is one discussing the “Black-Brown” coalition designed to gang-up on Whites.

Black Americans die while their leaders fiddle-by Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson

Have you heard that black Americans are under attack by Hispanic gangs from coast to coast? If you did hear it, you didn't hear it from a black leader.

A string of killings – including the recent execution-style murder of three black teenagers in Newark, N.J., allegedly at the hands of six Hispanics – and increased attacks on blacks by Hispanic gangs in California are a wake up call to blacks Americans.


The phony alliance between blacks and Hispanics

Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the NAACP, Newark Mayor Booker, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and others work to promote the false illusion that blacks and Hispanics are united, while they ignore the cold reality that blacks are being targeted daily.

At a recent press conference in Chicago, Sharpton continued promulgating the unity lie, saying, "We [blacks and Hispanics] need to sit down and see how we can share power in Chicago. …"

Jackson went so far as to provide cover to then-Mexican President Vicente Fox after Fox's insulting comments that "illegals do the work that even blacks won't do."

If blacks were under this kind of attack from whites, these same hypocrites would be marching in the streets.

In reality, black and Hispanic "leaders" have a false alliance because their union is based on a mutual hatred of the "white man." They seek to build a coalition of minority voters to get whites out of power.

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