Thursday, August 30, 2007

Athens, Alabama Unlawfully Denies Klan Rally Permit

Knights Party Told It Cannot Assemble Because Of "Hate"

Athens, Alabama -- The City of Athens, Alabama, this morning unlawfully denied a permit to the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan for a planned September 15 rally against illegal immigration.
"They are a hate group," the evagelical apostate Christian Mayor Dan Williams told the press, "We don’t want them here. They are not invited here and we don’t need help with immigration. Athens has come too far to have people like this come into our community

The move was similar to denials across the country that have cost big talking small walking local politicians hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages to white organizations who have taken them to court.

No response had yet been issued by the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.

Williams writes extensively of his heretical religious views on his blog htm, where he asserts the right to suppress any speech that is not in accord with the Jewish Pharisees to whom he sold his soul.

In many Southern, Midwestern and Western towns, a virulent version of the Christian faith called "Judaeo-Christianity" has taken hold. Its followers are apostates and heretics who pervert the word of Christ to serve the agenda of modern Jewry, who are the Pharisees Christ denounced as the children of Satan in the Bible. Adherents of this "Christian" heresey believe in the racial and cultural destruction of the United States, while supporting Jewish power and attempting to bring about the end of the world and inflict suffering on mankind through war, pestilence and plague. That they cannot see that their desire to destroy the earth makes them the tool of what their faith calls the devil is an irony that does not escape the rest of mankind.

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