Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Blood and Oil

> On Sat, Aug 25, 2007 at 10:31:11AM -0400, Tim Timoteo wrote:
>> Why is gasoline $3.00+ a gallon for regular unleaded??????
>> So they can ski in the desert, that's why!
>> Are we stupid or what!
>> P.S. WHERE'S GEORGE??????????????
> George purchased nearly a million acres of land in Paraguai.
> That's where he will be living after he leaves the Whitehouse. Since

> the price of this land exceeds George's whole lifetime earnings by a
> huge margin, ask yourselves "where did he get the money"? Now ask
> yourselves "who is receiving the cash for Iraqi oil being sold to
> right now, non-stop since the oil fields were first captured"?
> Cheney, former CEO of Haliburton (the no-bid contractor "hired"
> by the Bush administration to handle the oil in Iraq) bought six
> as much property (in value) in Dubai, UAE. That's right, Cheney will
> living within a short distance of that lovely indoor ski slope
> Ask yourself why has this war gone on so long? Ask yourself who
> gains huge profits for each extra day of war, each extra day that
> oil is being pumped out of the ground and sold to China by
> Ask yourself who will _cease_ receiving oil money IF the war ever
> Paraguai was a country favored by war criminals after WWII since
> they offer no-extradition treaties with any nation. Criminals living
> Paraguai are outside of the reach of national or international
> Persons living in Dubai are subject to Muslim (sharia) laws,
> they are outside the reach of national or international courts as
> Once your eyes open to the reality of greed, money and power,
> much of what seems insane to you will make much more sense. Saddam
> Hussein was not our enemy, he was merely in the way of a Bush
> Sitename: The George Washington University - Washington D.C.
> Linkname: Donald Rumsfeld Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein

> URL: http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB82/

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