Sunday, September 2, 2007

The Great Red North

Sometimes things are so bizarre, one wonders if a news article is a satirical piece or real. This appears to be real. There is a course called Social Justice in the British Columbia school system.

The study of the bigotry of the –isms of Politically Correctism and Social Marxism seem to be omitted in this course because those are the bases of the course.

Controversial course in 'isms' to debut in B.C. next week Social-justice class stems from settlement of human-rights suit- Janet Steffenhagen

VANCOUVER -- It's called Social Justice 12, but it could be called Lessons in Isms.

Ableism, ageism, anthropocentrism, consumerism, cultural imperialism, extremism, feminism, fundamentalism, heterosexism, humanism, racism, sexism and speciesism are among the key learning concepts of the new course, according to the B.C. Ministry of Education.

The Grade 12 elective will debut next week in seven Vancouver high schools as part of a controversial settlement in a human-rights complaint put forward by Murray Corren and his husband, Peter. They felt the provincial curriculum was discriminatory because it failed to teach about sexual orientation.

"We're very happy with the course," Corren said. "We think it has a lot of good stuff that teachers and students can learn about and grapple with." Both helped develop the Social Justice curriculum and said the only thing missing is a glossary explaining terms -- such as heterosexism and speciesism -- which are not a part of everyday vocabulary.

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