Friday, September 21, 2007

Democracy in Action: Zundel Attorney Charged

From the democratic Federal Republic of Germany comes the news that the Mannheim state attorney's office has brought nine counts of Volksverhetzung — "mass incitement" — against attorney Jürgen Rieger. The 61-year-old dissident, previously convicted on similar charges, had defended Holocaust™ challenger Ernst Zündel in court.

According to a spokesman for the prosecutor's office, Rieger himself is accused of having, as Zündel's defense counsel, repeatedly disputed and "played down" the alleged genocide of Jews in World War II.

In addition, the state attorney's office is seeking to have the well-known Hamburg jurist barred from legal practice. No date has been set for trial of the case.

In February Zündel was sentenced to a maximum five years in prison for so-called mass incitement. According to the court, he disputed the death of six million Jews on the Internet from Canada and in related publications.

The federal court, meanwhile, has rejected an appeal. At the trial, Zündel's defense — representing five lawyers before the court — called the casualty figures of the Jewish "holocaust" into question.

Another Zündel defense attorney, Sylvia Stolz, has been accused of Volksverhetzung. She has been ordered to appear on November 15 before the state court in Mannheim. The state attorney's office is likewise seeking to have her disbarred from legal practice. Because of "sabotage" the lawyer was excluded from the Zündel trial.

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