Monday, July 30, 2007

Obama at National Council of La Raza

For those outside of the United States and for those who know nothing of the “La Raza” Movement I will give a brief explanation. “La Raza” stands for “The Race” It is a Mexican supremacist movement that furthers its aims through political backlash using political correctness as its main weapon of choice. The “La Raza” movement on the top layer has a very leftist approach to politics using communist heroes like Cesar Chaves and Martin Luther King. However in reality they are a full out communist nationalist organization. Their aims are to retake America by destroying the borders of Mexico and America. The southwest is to be recalled Aztlan. Which is their fairy tale land they believe belongs to them. This organization openly attacks the United States and specifically the white minority in this country while receiving national funds from our government and political bureaucrats.

You might remember this billboard in California raised up by the Hispanic television station Telemundo.


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