Friday, October 5, 2007

Video: First the "Jena 6," Now the "Norfolk 7" -- just another white victim

Watch this video where Negroes beat another White guy senseless. Hate crime? Nah, the victim is White, and we know that all we blue-eyed White devils deserve this punishment from "our former slaves."

Or, at least, that's what our anti-White government says, as our "leaders," once again, essentially ignore the growing anti-White vicious attacks ....

The vast majority of interracial attacks are non-White on White, yet the vast majority of "hate crimes" (as Big Brother euphemistically calls the added punishment for thoughts) are brought against Whites.

Why is this?

Why does our government discriminate against Whites in every facet of society--from preferential loans, housing, immigration, education, jobs, promotions, etc., ad nauseam?

More importantly, how long will we Whites continue to suffer these gross injustices perpetrated against our people by a tyrannical government who serves only plutocrats and non-Whites -- before we whites finally stand up and act like Whites?

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