Saturday, September 8, 2007

Help Us Fight the "Human Rights" Spy Agency

Since 2005, the Canadian Human Rights Commission has been secretly

their powers into the realm of law enforcement under the guise of
hate”. The thought control maniacs at the CHRC, using Communist style

tactics, have been trying to elevate themselves into the level of some
of National Security Agency.

Unlike Police agencies – the Commission has absolutely no authority
engage in any form of spying operations on Canadian citizens. Yet,
through a

series of relationships with police agencies they have unprecedented
to Police databases containing the most sensitive and private police
on Canadians.

On May 10, 2007, head internet investigator for the CHRC Dean Steacy
admitted, under examination by Barbara Kulaszka, that the Commission
has an
arrangement with Canadian Police Agencies. When Barbara Kulaszka asked
exactly the arrangement was, Giacomo Vigna for the CHRC invoked Section

> 37

of the Canada Evidence Act to stop dead all questioning.

Nothing should scare freedom loving Canadians more than the politically

motivated thought control apparatus of the Canadian Human Rights
having any access to the most sensitive and private information of
of Canadians. Recently, it was revealed that the CHRC currently has
“indirect” access to the Police CPIC database. CPIC is the acronym
Canadian Police
Centre. CPIC is a highly secured computer based police information

CPIC contains records such as:

* Home address

* vehicle information,

* dental records,

* identifying marks/scars,

* firearms ownership,

* criminal records,

* fingerprints,

* current surveillance information,

* known aliases,

* medical conditions

* and much more.

The CHRC has numerous times relied on police agencies to analyze data
captured in the execution of search warrants on trumped-up alleged
“hate” (Sec. 319 of Criminal Code) violations – yet the victims
are very
rarely ever charged. Instead the evidence seized is later used before
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal hearings through testimony given by

We only know the tip of this unholy alliance between the Police and the

CHRC. The Federal
Court Appeal by Marc Lemire should bring more evidence into the open.

r_Bell_Subpoena.html > operations on Canadians are no only conducted by
Canadian Human Rights Commission, but also by those that use the
Human Rights Act for possible political means.

Stormfront Infiltrators Exposed:


Stormfront Alias: Estate

Real name: Sgt. Stephen Camp of the Edmonton Police “Hate Crimes”


Stormfront Alias: MarkW14

Real Name: Shane Ruttle Martinez (Anti-Racist Action thug, and CHRC


Stormfront Alias: Pogue Mahone

Real name: Richard Warman


Stormfront Alias: Jadewarr

Real name: CHRC Employee

The misnamed Canadian “Human Rights” Commission has been using
dollars to fund their political vendetta against individuals and
they hate. Websites such as The Freedomsite (
) – have been the focus of a 3 year
attack by the Commission to shut it down, over documents such as “The

Immigrant Poem”, criticism of immigration and even the awful
“hateful” act
of posting an unedited copy of the Canadian Human Rights Act on the
Freedomsite! The Commission and complainant Richard Warman are seeking
LIFETIME speech ban placed on Freedomsite webmaster, Marc Lemire along
hefty fines

In what best can be described as sheer lunacy, the CHRC (with ONLY
powers and NO police powers) has attempted to elevate itself to the
level of

a CSIS (National Security Agency), in an ongoing infiltration
using shady and secretive tactics to silence and possibly entrap those
don't like. The operatives of the CHRC have said they must get those
don't like "by any means necessary"

Sgt. Stephen Camp of the Edmonton Police “Hate Crimes” unit posting

* “Anybody read the Edmonton Journal dated January 22? I know it's a
kike publication but...”

* “With any luck they will end up like the nogs in the states who
predominantly kuill each other.”

* In Reference to Native people he wrote: “retarded little ch-g”
"how can u hold the little redskin responsible he's only an animal..."

* “Our corrupt government is nothing but a puppet to this so called
multicultural agenda.”

* “This post again re emphasises the point that our tax dollars are
waisted on keeping Zundel behind bars, while Muslim extremists are
re entry into Canada and free to come and go as they please.

Infiltration Techniques Taught by Jewish Groups to numerous Canadian

Infiltration of websites such as Stormfront is part of an organized and

darker tactic that is now employed by politicized Police agencies and
censorship enforcers. The Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for
Studies is now offering a new course aimed at Canadian Law enforcement
agencies and "investigators" entitled "Investigating Internet
According to the Wiesenthal Centre’s website:

"The workshop works from the premise that in order for law enforcement
to be

effective in the arena of hate, it must be proactive rather than
The course description continues "Investigating Internet Hate consists
three components; namely infiltration, Internet tools and legalities.
In the

first section, police officers are introduced to the most frequented
forums, allowing them to become ‘part of the community’ and
varying groups and their activities." [Emphasis added] (Copied from
Wiesenthal website: )

Among some of the Police forces that the Wiesenthal Centre list as
recipients of their "training" includes: Ontario Provincial Police,
Sound Police Service, Kingston Police Service, Ottawa Police Service,

Police and the Vancouver Police Service.

Tactics used by police officers, to identify and provide evidence
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal hearings:

* Police powers of search and seizure of computers and other items
* Search warrants on peoples homes
* Motor Vehicle Record searches,
* CPIC, (Canadian Police Information Centre) searches
* Telephone record searches,
* Infiltration of Stormfront using false identities
* Infiltration of internet based mailing lists
* Assuming phony identities via e-mail
* Interrogations after arrest
* Infiltration of public meetings / demonstrations
* Tenancy Agreements from Landlords

Police have testified against at a CHRT hearing:

Alexan Kulbashian (Officer Terry Wilson testified)

James Richardson (Officer Terry Wilson testified)

Kouba (Officer Camp testified)

Glenn Bahr (Officer Camp testified)

CHRC victims – raided by Police:

Alexan Kulbashian

James Richardson

Glenn Bahr

Ciarian Donnelly

Jessica Beaumont

Terry Tremaine

Criminally charged:

Alexan Kulbashian (charges later dropped)

James Richardson (charges dropped later)

Glenn Bahr (Section 319 charges outstanding)

Above information is based on a study of all Canadian Human Rights
Section 13 published decisions since 1992.

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