Thursday, August 30, 2007

Sheriff Richard Jones Strikes Again!

Butler County (OH) Sheriff Richard Jones, who has run ads for two and a half years warning buisnesses to not violate immigration laws, has the help of ICE agents in his latest bust of illegal immigrants in southern Ohio. Well over 100 illegals invading from countries such as Peru, Mexico, and Guatemala are in custody after an ICE raid at Koch Foods in Fairfield, Ohio Tuesday.

Richard Jones and the Butler County Sheriff's Department have played a crucial role in the busts as they have set aside jail space to hold the illegals. In addition to the immigration violations, some of those arrested are also suspected of identity theft and additional fraud charges. The raid is the result of a 2-year investigation of Koch Foods in which U.S. agents claim there was a "pattern and practice" to hire undocumented workers. Of course the raceless capitalists dispute the claim and say that they did all they could to hire legal workers.

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