Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Reconsidering Segregation

Reconsidering Segregation
The Surfeit of Unworkable Virtue

Commentary -- http://www.fredonev erything.net/FOE_Frame_Column.htm
The Surfeit of Unworkable Virtue

A Libertarian Approach to Schooling

July 24, 2007

I wonder whether the time for compulsory racial integration of the schools hasn’t passed. It doesn’t seem to accomplish anything that anyone wants.

The lunge toward integration of course began after 1953, and made a certain moral and intellectual sense at the time. Regardless of denials and justifications, blacks were indeed oppressed until then, and did indeed have schools hopelessly underfunded in comparison to those of white children. (I was a kid in small-town Alabama in 1956-57. Don’t even try to tell me that it wasn’t so.)

Things being very bad, some form of remediation was morally desirable, and the various solutions proposed were both well-intentioned and at least superficially plausible. If whites persisted in giving blacks wretched schools and ignorant teachers, which they did, then, it was thought, putting all children in the same school would settle that. Blacks had never amounted to much scholastically, but then they had always been slaves or serfs; it was not implausible to hope that with better schools they might rise. Certainly it was worth a try.

Southerners said it wouldn’t work, and it didn’t. This failure was probably the greatest misfortune ever to afflict the US. A half-century later, a yawning gap persists between the scholastic performance of blacks and whites. The gap has proved intractable under every nostrum, program, fad, or form of social shuffling. Nobody in his right mind can argue that the country hasn’t tried. The gap doesn’t close.

What now?

Distinctions exist between segregation, desegregation, and integration. Segregation is compulsory separation. Integration is compulsory togetherness. Desegregation is freedom of choice. That is, parents send their children to schools of their choosing. This, I submit, should be the law of the land. The result would be voluntary segregation since the races don’t much want to be together, but why isn’t it their business?

It seems to me that we should ask: What is better for the children? Has integration benefited the kids? If so, which kids? How? Or has it harmed them?

Integration does not appear to have helped black kids, who almost always end up at the bottom scholastically. The reasons can perhaps be debated, but it is what happens, and it shows no signs of changing. Further, being with white kids is not necessary to the advancement of blacks. The best schools I have encountered for blacks in terms of academics are the Catholic schools of downtown Washington, DC, almost entirely black.

However, compulsory integration does hurt white children. Whatever the reasons, whites have a greater interest in studying. White parents tend to want their progeny to learn mathematics, history, the sciences, occasionally the English language, literature, and the arts. White parents, or many white parents at any rate, want rigor in these courses. The enstupidation of America has reached the point that much of the population ruts and gobbles at the moo- cow level, yes. Still, the aspirations of whites remain much higher than those of blacks.

Blacks do not seem interested in European history, or literature, or languages, or the sciences, or mathematics. Neither in integrated schools nor in de facto black schools does one hear them demanding thicker books with bigger words and smaller pictures. I would happily provide these things, but they don’t ask. Perhaps the current policy of trying to impose on them a European culture that isn’t theirs, and that they show no signs of wanting, should end.

Since it has not proved possible to raise black children to the levels preferred by whites, the schools have sought to disguise the failure by diminishing academic rigor for all. This harms whites.

Why not let black parents decide what should be taught to their children? It is their business. I am perfectly content that black kids study physical chemistry and classical Greek, or Swahili and Ebonics, or anything they choose, or nothing at all. It is neither my business nor my problem. Should blacks ask me, I would suggest that in my view being able to read well should be an aim. I would recommend for them the course of study that I want for my own children. But if they did not want these things, as they seem not to, I would suggest that they manage their own schools as they saw fit.

Would it not be better to offer the races a choice and let things settle out as people chose? You could call this policy something like, say, “democracy,” or even “freedom.” Note please that I am specifically not suggesting reinstitution of compulsory segregation anywhere, and particularly not in the schools. A black child who wanted to go to an academically rigorous, predominantly white school should be permitted to do so.

My interest here is partly selfish—to avoid condemning white children to schools dumbed down and unable to insist on standards of schooling and behavior that, as a white, I regard as important. To avoid charges of consigning black children to poor schools, I would happily agree to provide black schools with twice the money per student of the white schools. They could set standards as they chose, choose such courses as they chose, and hire such teachers as they chose. I do not see how this could be called mistreatment.

It could, however, be called “multiculturalism.”

One hears much chatter about “diversity” and its never-explained virtues. But I note that those who most promote it least practice it. How many professors at Harvard bus their own progeny to deep black schools in downtown Boston? Do congressmen in Washington send their budding gifts to eternity to schools in, say, Anacostia? Any city has large regions of almost pure diversity to which these rich white kids might be consigned, and I promise that they would learn a great deal from it. Almost instantly. Oh yes. Do we have any takers?

Let me have my culture, and I will let you have yours. I do not question your right to teach your children as you think best. Do not question my equal right. In fact, whatever your culture, if you want to attend the schools of my children, I will require no more than minimal criminality, civilized comportment, and academic compatibility. Welcome, whatever your color. If you are, say, Chinese, and want to maintain your Chineseness at home, or want egg rolls served in the school cafeteria, or want Chinese taught along with French and Spanish, I say, “Great.” We can do this. When diversity means learning something instead of screwing up the schools, sign me on. But it usually doesn’t.

One thing seems certain: You cannot have in the schools two readily distinguishable groups, one of them being politically sensitive, the two differing utterly in academic intentions and achievement, in behavior and language, without shortchanging one and probably both. Differences in outcome are invidious and invariably engender lower standards. Experience shows that when the races can separate, they do. The benefits desired from forced integration have not materialized. Perhaps it is time to try something else.

Monday, July 30, 2007

stop the genocide of whites in South Africa!

Illegal Alien Crime Statistics

Alan Stang
Friday July 27, 2007

We are constantly bombarded in the mainstream media (MSM) with tear-jerking stories about how the illegal aliens among us, who have entered America by the millions in violation of our immigration laws, are just trying to make a better life for themselves. Criminals are also trying to make a better life for themselves, but we don't see any sob stories in the MSM about them!

In fact, the MSM seems to go out of its way to hide criminal activity committed by illegal aliens. Here in Wisconsin, it's no secret that the vast majority of Hispanic/Latino residents are residing here illegally. In my area, their population has doubled in the past five years, because the mantra here is "Celebrate Diversity!"

When a crime is reported in the local newspaper, committed by someone with an obviously Hispanic/Latino name, no mention is made of the culprit's immigration status. When I phoned the local police station, to ask about statistics relating to crimes committed by illegal aliens, I was told that they don't keep such statistics. When I asked why not, I was told that they were not asked to do that, when filing crime reports at the state level.

I went to the next level and contacted the state law enforcement authorities in Madison, in order to pursue my inquiry there. It turned out that they didn't gather information on crimes committed by illegal aliens, either, because it wasn't requested by federal authorities.

In fact, they no longer collected data on crimes committed by Hispanics/Latinos, because that had been determined to be an ethnic group, not a racial group. Hispanics/Latinos were now counted as whites. The other racial group classifications are black, Asian, and native American Indian. (I couldn't help thinking that people way up the law enforcement organizational chart must have decided they want that kind of information buried.)

Fortunately, a number of congressmen requested that the General Accountability Office (GAO) investigate and report information on criminal aliens incarcerated in federal and state prisons and local jails. The resulting GAO report, published in April 2005, revealed that illegal aliens make up 27% of the prison population. (The oft-cited figure of 12 million illegal aliens in the country means that they make up just 4% of the general population.)

Since illegal aliens are unlikely to be committing white-collar crimes, that figure likely underestimates the amount of violent crime committed by illegal aliens. Using the GAO report, Representative Steve King of Iowa points out that 25 Americans, on average, are killed by illegal aliens every day (about evenly split between motor vehicle accidents and outright murder).

Do the math: That works out to more than 9,000 deaths per year, or more than 36,000 deaths over the past four years. That's more than ten times the number of Americans killed in Iraq over the past four years!

Oddly, I've seen people in my hometown protesting against the war in Iraq, but I've never seen anyone protesting against the illegal alien invasion that is killing tens of thousands of Americans right here on our own soil.

Friends in New Jersey attacked by antis-Please read!

Body: After attending a rally against illegal immigration, fellow friend and activst, Erick K W and his wife were beaten' by communist thugs, this is how it went down:

Erick was sitting in traffic on the way back from an anit immigration rally when communist thugs starting beating on Erick's truck. This caused Erick to step outside to prevent any further damage to his vehicle from this group of Communist. These anti's grabbed Erick and beat him to the ground and repeatedly kicked him in the groin while two thugs spread his legs apart. While this was happening several more antis and communist came out from the streets holding weapons and started to beat Erick even more, his wife leaves the safety of the truck to plea for them to stop beating her husband. Some of the men go over to her, and proceeded to kick and beat her as well, They then loot items out of their truck.

After this goes on for a while, an old man who was in no way associated
with the rally, jumps out of his vehicle to intervene, and he is also
jumped by the gang of scumbags. So these reds numbering over a dozen, armed with weapons they beat Erick, his wife, and an innocent bystander causing all three to go to the hospital and receive stitches. Erick now will need to pay for hospital bills, body work for his truck and any kind of attorney fees to help put these scumbags behind bars.

I was lucky to meet Erick along with the rest of the New Jersey crew of
patriots, and they are a great bunch of activists heavily dedicated to
the cause. It would be great for anyone who is in a position to help contribute finacially to do so.

If interested here's where you can send well consealed cash or checks to:

Erick K W
PO Box 956
Hewitt, NJ 07421

Also, more reports and commentary about this incident here:

Obama at National Council of La Raza

For those outside of the United States and for those who know nothing of the “La Raza” Movement I will give a brief explanation. “La Raza” stands for “The Race” It is a Mexican supremacist movement that furthers its aims through political backlash using political correctness as its main weapon of choice. The “La Raza” movement on the top layer has a very leftist approach to politics using communist heroes like Cesar Chaves and Martin Luther King. However in reality they are a full out communist nationalist organization. Their aims are to retake America by destroying the borders of Mexico and America. The southwest is to be recalled Aztlan. Which is their fairy tale land they believe belongs to them. This organization openly attacks the United States and specifically the white minority in this country while receiving national funds from our government and political bureaucrats.

You might remember this billboard in California raised up by the Hispanic television station Telemundo.


The Defection of George Burdi: Lessons to be Learned

Novacosm: The Power of Music

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In early 2001, a prominent adherent to the white nationalist cause lost his drive and surrendered his spirit to the status quo. George Burdi, aka Eric Hawthorne, had made a name for himself as the lead singer of the band Rahowa and as a founder of Resistance Records. For most of the 90’s, Burdi was involved in the skinhead scene, performing at shows and selling mail-order albums through Resistance. Earlier this year, however, after his release from prison he shocked his peers by announcing that he had left the “white power” scene, moved in with an Asian Indian girlfriend, and started a new band with black and Jewish members.

For genuine white nationalists, such a conversion is unthinkable, and we are left wondering, “How could one who gave so much time and effort to the cause suddenly lose hope, abandon it, and join the other side?” Did Burdi ever truly believe, at all? Or was he simply looking for an outlet for his creative energy? (Admittedly, the lyrics he penned while with Rahowa are acclaimed by many nationalists.)

Since his departure from the white pride movement, Burdi has given several interviews in which he describes his former activities, details his transformation, and provides reasons as to why he jumped ship. He explains that it was stress on his family life and frustration with the material progress of the cause that fueled his disillusionment, as well as the small monetary profit that Rahowa generated. It would seem that pure ideology wasn’t adequate to keep Burdi’s attention focused on the stakes of the struggle at hand.

In an interview with an enemy group, Burdi revealed that his parents’ disapproval of his pro-white activities took a toll on his dedication:

IR: What did your family think of your new racial interest?

BURDI: My parents were passionate about saying it was wrong…our relationship really suffered. They saw I was on a slippery slope to jail or maybe death. Once I got involved in Church of the Creator [the predecessor organization to WCOTC], I'd see them every few weeks, tell them how they didn't know anything and then leave…I can't tell you what I did to my parents. My father had worked for 17 years at the same company and they fired him because of me. My parents finally moved out of Toronto because my father couldn't get a job with me as his son. Every time he would get close to getting a job somewhere, it would fall through. They wouldn't return his calls. My time in jail was just a little bit too much for them to swallow, and I don't know if they will ever fully recover from it…[now] every month our relationship is better than the month before.

Cleary, Burdi realized that his relationship with his parents was in jeopardy, and he made the choice to abandon his future descendents’ welfare for the sake of the here-and-now. Regarding his father’s termination at work because of his son’s views—wouldn’t that serve to motivate Burdi all the more to work for change, rather than cause him to fold and give in?

He also expresses his disgust with the individuals who comprise the so-called “hate movement”:

IR: What was your involvement in COTC?

BURDI: People have this impression that there is a large, well-organized, brooding underground. In reality all these P.O. boxes are just P.O. boxes. It's a glass tiger. There are a few people in each town who get together once in a while, drink some beers, use racial epithets and then go home feeling good about themselves. Maybe they subscribe to a couple of publications. There are a very small number of them, and it's not well organized. I thought,” This is not viable as a political movement. I'm not accomplishing anything”.

So apparently, while our cause may be just and noble, in Burdi’s eyes, those that flock to it are either not worthy to take up its cross and fight for it, or simply do not possess the know-how or will power to ascertain its victory. Therefore, rather than go down fighting with weak allies, he decided to abandon the struggle altogether. Notice how Burdi neglects to mention the myriad of activists who write intelligent articles, do exhaustive reporting, author ground-breaking books, maintain quality websites, and distribute literature to potential recruits. Just a few examples of such fighters would be Don Black, David Duke, Jared Taylor, Ingrid Rimland, Sam Francis, and Joseph Sobran. Truly, the ADL and Morris Dees would love to spread Burdi’s false description of the white pride/white survival movement in an effort to hinder further recruiting.

More disturbingly, Burdi also reveals that the lack of impressive financial gain was another important factor that provoked his betrayal:

IR: What were [skinhead] concerts like?

BURDI: They almost never made money…Gigs were very rare. If a [white power] band plays four or five times a year that's a lot. We probably played 15 to 20 gigs in eight years. Only two of us were with the band the whole time; everyone else came and went.

If money were the sole motivator within the bounds of white nationalism, there would not be any adherents left in 2001. Obviously, there are dozens of better ways to earn a living, and apparently Burdi’s decision was not only personal, but financial as well. Real nationalists are not interested in turning a profit; rather, securing the existence of whites is our one true aim.

Interspersed among Burdi’s public comments since his conversion, there are statements that we true nationalists must heed if we are to win the cultural war that is gripping Western civilization.

First, we must not let pressure from lemming family members and friends sway us from our paths. Remember that if we fail, our descendents will pay the price! Do not abandon the future for the present.

Second, Burdi gives a description of racist skinheads that certainly is fitting for at least a few of them. He depicts them as beer-guzzling, unintelligent punks who instigate violence for fun rather than out of the necessity of self-defense:

BURDI: The [skinhead] concerts were crazy. Friends would beat each other up and then laugh about it afterwards, with their eyes swollen shut and their noses broken and picking their teeth up off the ground. A large percentage of Skinheads, especially in North America, are really hard-core alcoholics. It's too much to expect them to put fliers on cars, but they'll jump at the chance to buy beer. There's a real irony in the fact that Hitler would have exterminated most of these guys as social deviants.

We must realize that any so-called “racist” who fits such a description is more of a hindrance than a benefit to our cause. As the would-be saviors of the white race, we must endeavor to be the strongest and healthiest not only physically, but mentally and morally also. We must lead by example. Therefore, make an effort to live a clean and moral lifestyle!

Third, Burdi provides a sad reminder of the amazingly-low level of white racial consciousness in the third of his three reasons for turning traitor:

BURDI: The three biggest things for my decision were the pain I gave my parents, the futility of my cause, and the judgment of the 12 jurors [in the assault case], who were all whites.

Here we have a scenario of twelve white jurors convicting a young white activist for the assault on an anti-racist. Burdi’s crime? Burdi never actually committed battery, but he gave a speech to the crowd which “prompted” the beating. Had but one of the twelve had a true idea of the veritable nature and goals of white nationalism, Burdi may not have been sentenced to prison. Obviously, we must work harder to combat our enemies’ propaganda that distorts us and our message! More whites must realize the dark and bleak future that looms before us, before it’s too late and our fate is sealed.

Ultimately, Burdi’s defection can be viewed as an example of “survival of the fittest” in its purest form. Those who lack sufficient will power, or who are too weak, inept, or hesitant will be swept aside in favor of those who will remain determined, defiant, and dedicated. White nationalists can take solace in the fact that Burdi’s place has been filled by dozens of new, motivated fighters who will indeed go the distance in the struggle for our physical and cultural survival.

“Once our enemies persecuted us and in doing this helped us by removing the undesirable elements in the Party. Today, we ourselves expunge what is evil. What is evil has no place among us!
--Adolf Hitler, Nuremberg, 1934

Saturday, July 28, 2007

When Will We Have Had Enough?

Some of this video is interesting however I would like to note that Abraham Lincoln was no different than President Bush in his rain of terror. The anti-communist movement was also destroyed and those who fought against the red disease were destroyed.

Illegals and the free ride

Interesting reading. Is anyone still buying the B.S. about the "guest worker program?"> Subject: Illegals and the free ride>>> CHEAP TOMATOES?> This should make everyone think, be you Democrat, Republican or> Independent>> From a California school teacher - - ->> "As you listen to the news
about the student protests over illegal> immigration, there are some things that you should be aware of:>> I am in charge of the English-as-a-second-language department at a> large southern California high school which is designated a Title> 1 school, meaning that its students average lower socioeconomic> and income levels.> Most of the schools you are hearing about, South Gate High, Bell> Gardens, Huntington Park, etc., where these students are> protesting, are also Title 1 schools.>> Title 1 schools are on the free breakfast and free lunch program.> When I say free breakfast, I'm not talking a glass of milk and> roll -- but a full breakfast and cereal bar with fruits and juices> that would make a Marriott proud. The waste of this food is>
monumental, with trays and trays of it being dumped in the trash> uneaten. (OUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK)>> I estimate that well over 50% of these students are obese or at> least moderately overweight. About 75% or more DO have cell> phones. The school also provides day care centers for the unwed> teenage pregnant girls (some as young as 13) so they can attend> class without the inconvenience of having to arrange for> babysitters or having family watch their kids. (OUR TAX DOLLARS AT> WORK)>> I was ordered to spend $700,000 on my department or risk losing> funding for the upcoming year even though there was little need> for anything; my budget was already substantial.. I ended up> buying new computers for the computer learning center, half of> which, one month later, have been carved with graffiti by the> appreciative students who obviously feel humbled
and grateful to> have a free education in America. (OUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK)>> I have had to intervene several times for young and substitute> teachers whose classes consist of many illegal immigrant students> here in the country less then 3 months who raised so much hell> with the female teachers, calling them " Putas" whores and throwing> things that the teachers were in tears.>> Free medical, free education, free food, day care etc., etc, etc.> Is it any wonder they feel entitled to not only be in this country> but to demand rights, privileges and entitlements?>> To those who want to point out how much these illegal immigrants> contribute to our society because they LIKE their gardener and> housekeeper and they like to pay less for tomatoes: spend some> time in the real world of illegal immigration and see the TRUE costs.>>
Higher insurance, medical facilities closing, higher medical> costs, more crime, lower standards of education in our schools,> overcrowding, new diseases etc., etc, etc. For me, I'll pay more> for tomatoes.>> We need to wake up. The guest worker program will be a disaster> because we won't have the guts to enforce it.> Does anyone in their right mind really think they will voluntarily> leave and return?>> There are many hardworking Hispanic/American citizens that> contribute to our country and many that I consider my true> friends. We should encourage and accept those Hispanics who have> done it the right and legal way.>> It does, however, have everything to do with culture: A third-> world culture that does not value education, that accepts children> getting pregnant and dropping out of school by 15 and that refuses> to assimilate,
and an American culture that has become so weak and> worried about "politically correctness" that we don't have the> will to do anything about it.>>> If this makes your blood boil, as it did mine, forward this to> everyone you know.>> CHEAP LABOR? Isn't that what the whole immigration issue is abou t?>> Business doesn't want to pay a decent wage.>> Consumers don't want expensive produce.>> Government will tell you Americans don't want the jobs.>> But the bottom line is cheap labor. The phrase "cheap labor" is a> myth, a farce, and a lie. there is no such thing as "cheap labor.">> Take, for example, an illegal alien with a wife and five children.> He takes a job for $5.00 or $6.00/hour. At that wage, with six> dependents, he pays no income tax, yet at the end of the year, if> he files an Income Tax Return, he
gets an "earned income credit"> of up to $3,200 free.>> He qualifies for Section 8 housing and subsidized rent.>> He qualifies for food stamps.>> He qualifies for free (no deductible, no co-pay) health care.>> His children get free breakfasts and lunches at school.>> He requires bilingual teachers and books.>> He qualifies for relief from high energy bills.>> If they are or become, aged, blind or disabled, they qualify for> SSI. Once qualified for SSI they can qualify for Medicare. All of> this is at (our) taxpayer's expense.>> He doesn't worry about car insurance, life insurance, or> homeowners insurance.>> Taxpayers provide Spanish language signs, bulletins and printed> material.>> He and his family receive the equivalent of $20.00 to $30.00/hour> in benefits.>>
Working Americans are lucky to have $5.00 or $6.00/hour left after> paying their bills and his.>> The American taxpayers also pay for increased crime, graffiti and> trash clean-up.>> Cheap labor? YEAH RIGHT! Wake up people.>> THESE ARE THE QUESTIONS WE SHOULD BE ADDRESSING TO THE PRESIDENTIAL > CANDIDATES FOR EITHER PARTY. 'AND WHEN THEY LIE TO US AND DON'T DO AS > THEY SAY, WE SHOULD REPLACE THEM AT ONCE!'

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Russian State Television Denounces World Jewry

Terrified Jews Say They Must Emigrated, Ask US For Money

Moscow, Russia -- A February 3rd broadcast on Russian state-owned NTV by Communist legislator Albert Makashov has the Jewish hate-community calling for legal action and denouncing "rising anti-Semitism".
Makashov, in a debate with Alexei Leonov, a Soviet cosmonaut, said outright that Jewish oligarchs had robbed Russia of its wealth, were exerting "total control" over the Russian economy, and needed to be driven out of the country. In response, the formal head of Russia's organized Jewish community called for Makashov to be arrested.

The fact that the Jewish "leader" responded by demanding the arrest of someone for disagreeing with him politically did not strike world Jewry as "anti-democratic".

While the judges of the debate show, hosted by Jew Vladimir Solovyev, voted in favor of Leonid's argument, 53% of the call-in voters to the show declared Makashov the winner, and many of the callers who came on air also made anti- Jewish comments, and called for the extermination of Russia's Jews.

Internationally, Jewish groups used the show to call on countries like the US, Britain and Germany to give them more money, nominally for "saving Russia's Jews".

Russian Jewish leaders urged that Jews in Russia think of emigrating to Jew- friendly contries like the states. Tankred Golenpolsky, a Jewish journalist in Russia, made the public statement, “This show is a signal to the Jews, including those who had never thought about leaving their native country. It’s time to take our kids out of here."

Jews, most of them from America, Britain and Germany, came to Russia in 1917 to launch the Bolshevik revolution. Jews like Trotsky, Zinoviev, and Lenin (1/4 Jewish) dominated Soviet Russia until the rise of Stalin, and continued to man its bureaucracy until the late days of the Soviet Union. When the US pawn Boris Yeltsin came to power, Jews were restored to prominence through the looting of Russia's main industries. Under Putin, Jewish power has been breaking, with the arrests of many prominent Jewish robber-barons, known in Russia as the "oligarchs".

Recently, a group of 20 Russian lawmakers signed a letter to Putin calling for a ban on all Jewish organizations, claiming that the Jews are "extremist" and that they are involved in "financing terrorism".

media propoganda

I’m showing this video to further the awareness of mass media propaganda machine. The coverage of this illegal demonstration (most of the dem. are illegal immigrants and should be considered foreign combatants) shows a picture of the humble Mexican minority trying to have a peaceful protest against sanctioned American laws. Or as the media calls it "slow move to change". This shows the medias over all plan that things will change and that it is our unresponsive behavior that is to blame for this humbling change to our nation. In the video you can see Mexicans throwing rocks at the police officers. However the media tries to downplay these actions by focusing on the police officers fighting off the masses. I do find it amusing that after all their Marxist hoo rahh. They ended their news special with the number of injured police and civilians. Somehow these malicious armored fascist police had more injured than the peaceful Mexican migrant. HA

If I Were Them I’d Be Scared Too

By Jane Gardener

I can understand the Jewish Supremacists/Zionists being terrified of academic inquiry into the Holocaust. I mean, no one really wants to be exposed as a bold-faced liar. Especially not one stupid enough to cling to the lie over a period of 62 years despite mounting evidence that is convincing more and more people that much of what we’ve been led to believe about the fate of the Jews in the second World War is untrue, or at least exaggerated beyond all recognition.

They themselves have backed off on some of the more bizarre claims over the years. The numbers of dead for instance. I believe the original claim for Auschwitz alone was 9 million dead which has been reduced and updated periodically ever since the end of the war. Even the Museum at Auschwitz has reduced its latest tally from four million to just over one and a half million and according to Red Cross figures, that is probably still too high. [1] Not to mention, how can one take two and a half million from the Auschwitz figures and still hold to the total of six million? Even an elementary school student could tell you the arithmetic just doesn’t add up.

During one of Ernst Zundel’s trials, Mr. Zundel and his lawyers forced the Red Cross to produce their records which determined that the death tolls for ALL camps was 280,000. [1a][1b] Of course, 280,000 human beings dying of typhus, starvation and other causes is certainly a horrible thing, but as the war years came to an end the German transportation system was all but destroyed by allied bombing meaning that no supplies could get through. Many German civilians died as a result, not just the inmates of the concentration camps.


Jews Protest Preibke Release In Rome

Unrepentant SS Officer Convicted In Shooting Of Three Hundred Communists Released

6/18/2007 2:01:25 PM
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Overthrow Staff

Rome, Italy -- Dozens of Jewish hate mongers gathered outside the law office where SS Officer Erich Priebke has returned to work to protest his release from prison after a conviction for "war crimes" involving the shooting of three hundred communists during World War II.
An Italian court found that Priebke had overseen the Ardeatine Cave "massacre", in which three hundred Jewish partisans who has taken up arms illegally against the Italian state were executed by Priebke on the orders of a military tribunal.

While the execution was technically legal, Jews have protrayed their communist co-religionists as "civilians", because they were not wearing uniforms while armed, and claimed the event was a "war crime".

Priebke was released last week to work in the office of his attorney, and is now living freely in Rome.

Jewish organizations have harassed the aging German, who is unrepentant and has said that the executions he conducted were lawful and justified.

N.H. Couple Evade Death and Taxes

The Browns have been holed up, refusing to pay the IRS or go to prison. It's a battle that might end in bloodshed.

By Erika Hayasaki, Times Staff Writer

July 20, 2007

Plainfield, N.H. — SHE sits on the lookout in a lawn chair on their front porch, her forehead glossy with sweat, Bible next to her left foot, wind chimes clinking at her back. Her husband of 24 years is by her side, German shepherd at his knee, handgun tucked beneath the belt on his jeans.

High in these humid hills, Ed and Elaine Brown have been holed up in
their home for six months, refusing to serve a five-year prison sentence for tax evasion. They all but dared law officials to come and get them.

This, they say, is a fight they're ready to die for.

"Show me the law!" says Ed, a trim 64-year-old with a silver mustache, whose forehead crinkles when he gets heated. The Browns stopped paying income taxes in 1996. They say the Constitution and Supreme Court decisions support their claims that ordinary labor cannot be taxed.

But a judge ruled against them in January, convicting the Browns of conspiring to evade paying taxes on $1.9 million in income from Elaine's dentistry practice.

Now, the Browns say they're in a battle for freedom, and it just might end in bloodshed right here, in a towering turreted house with 8-inch-thick concrete walls and an American flag fluttering over the double-car garage. They have garnered national support, with blogs devoted to news about the standoff and supporters regularly showing up on the couple's doorstep with groceries.

Government and law officials have cut off power, Internet, house phone, cellphone, television and mail service to the couple's 110-acre compound. But their house is equipped with solar panels, a watchtower, a satellite dish and a stockpile of food.

"We are self-sustained like a ship," Ed says. "We don't need power from the shore to run the ship."

FBI agents are trying to avoid a deadly shootout reminiscent of Waco, Texas, or Ruby Ridge, Idaho. They have tried negotiating, waiting, begging.

"We are proceeding carefully to make sure no one gets hurt," says U.S. Marshal Stephen Monier, the lead officer handling the siege. "We are aware that there are guns in there."

Monier says the couple broke the law and should turn themselves in peacefully. "They have been tried and convicted and sentenced."
But the Browns aren't budging.

"You remember that little gentleman in China, Tiananmen Square?" Ed says, peering through his sunglasses. "He was the same as we are. You can scare me, you can kill me, but you can't intimidate me."

"We're fighting for you, your country," adds Elaine, 66, a calm woman with short, wavy dark hair. "This isn't just taxes."

"There's no more America," Ed says. "It's already gone."

"I'll die fighting, rather than live in slavery," Elaine says. "I'll tell you that."

THE mountain air outside the Browns' home is hot and thick with flies. On the shaded front porch overlooking a small duck pond, a visitor in a straw hat — who drove his pickup truck for two days from Texas to meet the Browns — eats grapes out of a paper bag and flips through an issue of Shotgun News magazine. He introduces himself as Doug. His last name is Tibbetts, he says, "like that guy who dropped the bomb on Hiroshima."

Another guest, who refuses to give his name and makes it a point to tell everyone he is armed, drove here from Massachusetts. He talks about illegal immigration and government corruption in a slow deep drip of a voice that seems to irritate Ed, who frequently cuts him off.

The government, Ed says, is at a point of "communism in its purist form."

Elaine nods.

"It's not communism though," says the Massachusetts man. "It's totalitarianism. "

"It's Marxism," interjects Tibbetts, 60.

"No, no, no, guys, guys, don't give me that," says Ed, raising his voice. "I've done 15 years of research here."

Since the standoff began, the Browns' home has turned into a commune for anti-government activists. Admirers from across the country make their way to the secluded home on Center of Town Road in Plainfield, population 2,200, in a state where license plates carry the motto "Live Free or Die."

To get to theBrowns' house, travelers ascend along a jagged gravel and dirt road, stopping at a silver sign nailed to a tree trunk on the couple's property, which warns: "If not friendly, Go, Go Away!" Unable to telephone the Browns and notify them of their arrival, some visitors proceed slowly down the long driveway or attach small flags to their trucks to show that they've come in peace.

The guests often come bearing gifts: hamburger buns, ginger ale, cellphones with prepaid minutes, gun ammunition. Someone gave the Browns their German shepherd, named Zoey. The visitors pitch tents in the Browns' yard or sleep inside the house. Some bring laptops from which they manage the Browns' blog and MySpace page, both created by volunteers.

Shaun Kranish, 21, of Rockford, Ill., read about he Browns online earlier this year. In March, he drove to New Hampshire and spent a few nights at their home talking about politics and freedom. A gun rights advocate, he started a website, MaketheStand. com, devoted to the couple's battle. He has solicited rechargeable flashlights and candles for the Browns and helped promote concerts supporting them.

People back the Browns, he says, because they are standing against everything that is wrong with government.

"It's about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, " Kranish says. "It's about the truth about the 9/11 attacks…. They're saying, 'We're not going to be a part of it; we're not going to fund it.' "

There are 250,000 to 500,000 people in the United States who are tax protesters, says JJ MacNab, a financial analyst who has written a book on the issue and testified before Congress on behalf of law enforcement.
Some, she says, are elderly, uneducated or disenfranchised people who buy into tax evasion scams. Others are disgruntled — sometimes dangerous — citizens who believe the wording of tax laws does not make them liable to pay.

"The tax laws are almost 100 years old, and no one has ever won," she says. "Thousands and thousands of people have challenged them. It's a constant flow of the same tired arguments over and over."

MacNab says the Internet has connected Iraq war veterans, college students, minorities and women to the tax protest movement, which was once associated mostly with white supremacists and militia groups that held meetings at local diners.

Supporters have hailed the Browns as heroes, akin to Gandhi and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.(of course the editor here is ignorant to the marxist leaning of martin luther king jr.), which has made law enforcement officials cautious about turning them into martyrs.

"There are lots of people that want it to be over," says Stephen Halleran, Plainfield's town administrator. "They feel Ed and Elaine need to play by the same rules as the rest of us."

Halleran says the Browns have always had strong beliefs, but they haven't been considered dangerous until now.

Residents are anxious, he says, because of the steady stream of out-of-towners — white supremacists, anarchists and other activists — roaming through Plainfield and showing up at community meetings. Neighbors with children worry about what could happen if the standoff ends in gunfire.

MacNab, who has studied tax protesters since 1997, says some supporters of the Browns have compiled a list of enemies — including judges and journalists — and their families. People have warned that if the couple die, retaliatory killings will follow.

MacNab has little faih the Browns will turn themselves in without a fight.
"I think there's going to be death and violence," she says. "I don't see it happening another way."

THE way the Browns see it, they skirted a bloodbath on June 7.
That was the day their compound was surrounded by armed officers, armored vehicles, state police cruisers, trucks and roadblocks. Law officials say the showing of force was intended for surveillance of the compound while its agents seized Elaine's dental practice a town away. A houseguest of the Browns noticed the convoy while walking Zoey.
The Browns believe that a confrontation between the houseguest and law enforcement helped them avert an attack.

"Whenever we go into the vicinity, we go in a manner to ensure the community is protected and the officers are protected," says Monier, the marshal. He added that law enforcement conducted surveillance on the Brown compound "from time to time."

Elaine doesn't buy it: "We know they were on their way in to kill us that day."

Two weeks later, Randy Weaver, whose wife and child were killed in Ruby Ridge 15 years ago, held a news conference at the Browns' home, in which he vowed to stand with them.

"What makes people willing to put their lives on the line?" said Weaver, holding up a picture of his late son for reporters. "They'll take so much B.S. from the so-called government, the de facto government, that they just say, Back off. This is just what has happened right here."

It was the Ruby Ridge siege, along with his brewing anger over paying taxes, that inspired Ed to rebel.

In 1992, U.S. marshals converged on Weaver's remote mountain cabin to arrest him on a federal weapons trafficking charge. A marshal shot and killed Weaver's teenage son. In another gun battle a marshal was killed. The next day, an FBI sharpshooter shot Weaver, then fatally shot his wife, Vicki, as she was holding the couple's baby girl.

A year later, Branch Davidian leader David Koresh and his followers were engaged in a 51-day standoff with federal agents surrounding their compound in Waco, Texas.

Ed watched it all on television.

Federal agents were trying to carry out search and arrest warrants against Koresh because of reports that his group was stockpiling illegal weapons. In a shootout, four agents were killed and 20 others injured. The siege ended with a raging fire. When it was over, 82 Branch Davidian members were dead.

"I was calling him the Waco wacko at the time," says Ed, "and I said, 'Wait a minute, they're planning to go in and kill these people.' You can't do that. Now they lost me. Now I was angry."

The events at Ruby Ridge and Waco energized conspiracy theorists and anti-government activists, including the bomber of the Oklahoma City federal building, Timothy J. McVeigh.

Ed focused his fury on the Internal Revenue Service.

"It affected so many people," he says. "The IRS is the most brutal, ruthless organization out of all there is."

INSIDE their home, Elaine boils hot dogs over a gas stove. Sunlight shines through windows offering the only light. The dim kitchen is cooler than outside. The shelves are lined with plastic containers of dry beans, bottles of hot sauce, bags of potato chips, a can of Folgers coffee, a watermelon. A bouquet of pink and blue daisies sits on the table, near a copy of the local newspaper featuring an article about the Browns.

There is a rumble in the driveway. Zoey begins to bark. Everyone runs to the front window.

"Check the side door!" Ed yells to Elaine.

It's just a visitor with a flag on his truck. He stopped by to tell the Browns that he, too, has stopped paying taxes.

"You must understand," says Ed, sitting in his rocking chair, "this is personal for each and every one of us."

He brings up how law officials have bullied him and harassed his wife. He becomes flustered when he recalls his wife being handcuffed when she was arrested for tax evasion.

"This is American, what he's talking," Tibbetts says. "This is what made America. Not sitting back and getting abused. Standing up for what's right. Standing up for what God gave you."

Elaine offers Tibbetts another hot dog.

"There's two freight trains going just like this toward each other," Ed says. "So you better take a side, buddy, because when they hit, it's going to be hellacious.

"And," he says, "it all could start right here."

http://www.latimes. com/news/ la-na-taxevaders 20jul20,0, 778390.story? coll=la-tot- topstories&track=ntothtml

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

And If I Broke Into Your House....sent anonymously

A lady wrote the best letter in the Editorials
in ages!!! It explains things better than all
the baloney you hear on TV.

Her point:

Recently large demonstrations have taken place
across the country protesting the fact that Congress
is finally addressing the issue of illegal immigration.

Certain people are angry that
the US might protect its own
borders, might make it harder
to sneak into this country and,
once here, to stay indefinitely.

Let me see if I correctly understand
the thinking behind these protests.
Let's say I break into your house.
Let's say that when you discover
me in your house, you insist that I leave.

But I say, "I've made all
the beds and washed the
dishes and did the laundry
and swept the floors. I've
done all the things you don't
like to do. I'm hard-working
and honest
(except for when I broke into your house).

According to the protesters:

You are Required to let me stay in your house
You are Required to add me to your family's insurance plan
You are Required to Educate my kids
You are Required to Provide other benefits to me & to my family

(my husband will do all of your yard work because
he is also hard-working and honest, except for that
breaking in part).

If you try to call the police or force me out,
I will call my friends who will picket your
house carrying signs that proclaim my
RIGHT to be there.

It's only fair, after all, because you have
a nicer house than I do, and I'm just
trying to better myself. I'm a hard-working
and honest, person, except for well,
you know, I did break into your house

And what a deal it is for me!!!

I live in your house, contributing only a
fraction of the cost of my keep, and
there is nothing you can do about it
without being accused of cold,

uncaring, selfish, prejudiced, and
bigoted behavior.

Oh yeah, I DEMAND that you learn MY LANGUAGE!!! so you can communicate with me. And don't forget to make sure your forms are in MY language - I need to understand them...

Why can't people see how ridiculous
this is?! Only in America .
if you agree, pass it on ( in English ).
Share it if you see the value of it.

If not blow it off.........
along with your future Social Security funds, and a lot of other things

ZioPedia takes aim at Jews, 'Holocult'

> Due to what it calls the "Zionist Mafia," the firmly anti-Zionist
> ZioPedia.org Web site has been barred from using Google's ad space
> donation accounts at Paypal and StormPay for the past few months.
> Brought to attention by the Australian Anti-Defamation League,
> breaches the three sites' acceptable use policies by promoting hate,
> violence or racial intolerance.
> Founded in May 2006 by the Sydney-based Rebel Media Group, ZioPedia
is a
> Wikipedia-like on-line encyclopedia and a collection of blogs
> the Holocaust and attacking the Jewish people. The writers, mostly
> themselves, say Jews exploit the Holocaust and anti-Semitism to
> Western media and public opinion.
> Although editor and publisher Andrew Winkler claims to publish
> from both supporters and opponents of Zionism, the latter are
> marginalized or altogether absent.
> "The goal of ZioPedia is the dismantling of the Jews-only state and
> replacement by a free, united, secular, democratic, egalitarian
> Palestine," he said. "As far as the Zionist settlers are concerned,
> agree with the Iranian President [Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad that it should
> left to the Palestinians to decide, whether to allow them to stay."
> The Internet had recently become a major tool for the global spread
of not
> only anti-Semitism, but racism and hate in general, said
> League of Israel spokesman Arieh O'Sullivan.
> "It gives anonymity and has the widest reach. Its impacts are always
> the back of our mind," he said.
> Regarding the "Holocult," the Web site said it refused "to believe in

> self-evident truths and known facts, promoted by psychopathic liars
> the Zionist masters of treachery and deception and enforced by
> codes."
> Israel is compared to apartheid South Africa, and Nobel Prize
> Elie Wiesel is referred to as the "Weasel" and a major player in
> propaganda.
> The Web site also provides a "Goyim certification" program informing
> consumers which businesses have no connection to Jewish or Zionist
> organizations.
> The ADL is making preparations for a conference on the fight against
> on-line anti-Semitism.

Polish court drops case against 'Mein Kampf' publisher

> Polish court drops case against 'Mein Kampf' publisher
> European Jewish Press Monday, 28 May 2007
> WARSAW-COLOGNE - A regional court in Poland has conditionally
dropped a
> criminal case against a Polish publisher charged with breaking
> laws for publishing Adolf Hitler's 'Mein Kampf'.
> The Wroclaw (Breslau) court in southwestern Poland ruled that a
> publisher, identified only as Marek S., broke copyright law by
> 3,000 copies of the Polish translation of Mein Kampf ("My Struggle'')
> 2005, the Polish news agency PAP reported.
> The state of Bavaria in Germany, which owns the rights to Mein Kampf

> brought a case in 2005 against the publishing house in Poland.
> Bavarian authorities underlined that they strictly adhere to the
> copyright laws in order to prevent the spreading of Hitler's
> Arguing that the harm caused by the small-scale publishing of the
> was minimal - especially since Marek S. agreed in a 2005 civil trial
> halt printing and withdraw the work from bookstores at his own cost -
> Polish court agreed to drop the case against the publisher for a
> probationary period of two years.
> Mein Kampf is banned from public display or sale in Germany, though
it is
> available for historical research in libraries.
> http://ejpress.org/article/17104

Oi vey!!! HA

> > Two versions of the same tale!
> The Germans have a saying - I believe it is part of a poem by Goethe:
> "Herr, die Not ist gross,
> Die ich rief, die Geister,
> werd' ich nun nicht los."
> Which, loosely translated, means "Lord, my pain is great, for the
> that I roused I cannot get rid of again!"
> ====
> 09:48 , 06.03.07
> 'I was put in a gas chamber,' says Israeli doctor
> US airport security check leaves Dr Dorit Zilberman distraught, after

> reportedly being humiliated only because of her nationality. 'My
> perished in Europe's gas chambers, I never thought 65 years later I
> be marked, isolated, and put in a gas chamber'
> An Israeli doctor who underwent tight security checks at San
> International claims that she was humiliated only because of her
> nationality.
> Dr Dorit Zilberman, a senior urologist at the Chaim Sheba Medical
> at Tel Hashomer who was visiting the United States for the first time
> a professional conference, claimed that airport security officials
led her
> to what she called a sort of "gas chamber", where she was sprayed
with a
> strong current of air for two minutes, which caused her great pain.
> =====
> US airport directors study Israeli passenger screening / Associated
> US airport directors note Israel's profiling methods to single out
> passengers based on their appearance or ethnic group, a practice
banned in
> US
> Zilberman filed a complaint with the Foreign Ministry on the matter,
> sources at the ministry said they would discuss the subject with the
> Americans, while adding that the number of Israeli complaints of
> at American airports has recently been on the rise.
> After her handbag passed the standard airport screening, Zilberman
> told she had to undergo further security checks and was asked to step

> aside.
> "They took me aside, examined me scrupulously. It was a pretty
> situation," Zilberman wrote in her complaint.
> The doctor claimed that once she presented her Israeli passport she
> told to walk on a different path than the other passengers. "It was a
> end path that led to a kind of corner," she told Ynet.
> "I thought I misheard the instructions and I tried to retrace my
> another woman from the security crew ordered me to stop in a tone as
> she was talking to a retard. She told me 'You don't understand, it
> here that you should stop and wait for a crew member to approach
> 'I have never experienced such humiliation'
> Zilberman then asked another crew member why this was being done to
> and if it was because she was Israeli. The crew member simply
answered, "I
> don't know."
> Zilberman said she was then lead to a sealed chamber and asked to get
> she was told that she would feel "a flow like in the shower".
> "When I walked in, barrages of compressed gas - probably air - were
> at me. Since I am thin, it was very painful. I was then taken out of
> 'gas chamber' and taken to another corner where I was asked to take
off my
> shoes, my hand bag was taken from me and my belongings were taken out
> by one and scanned along with my shoes in special paper for tracing
> dangerous substances.
> "At that point I started to cry and told the man that in my country I
am a
> respected doctor, and that I had never experienced such a chain of
> humiliations. He told me that if I didn't like it, I could call the
> supervisor."
> Zilberman said that in all the countries she had visited, she had
> experienced such humiliation just because she was Israeli.
> "My family perished in the gas chambers in Europe. I never believed
> 65 years later, I would be marked, isolated and taken into a gas
> An examination by Yedioth Ahronoth reporter Aryeh Egozi showed that
> so-called "gas chamber" Zilberman spoke of is meant to track traces
> explosive materials on passengers' clothing.
> Air currents meant to release particles of explosives are sprayed at
> passenger, and sensors in the chamber examine these particles.
> The examination method was authorized by all relevant bodies in the
> States and poses no damage whatsoever to the examinee. European
> authorities are considering applying a similar search method as well.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Illegal aliens linked to gang rape

A wave of illegal-immigrant gang rapes is sweeping the U.S. while public officials and law-enforcement authorities fear drawing the link, experts say.

Deborah Schurman-Kauflin, a Ph.D. researcher of violent crimes, told WorldNetDaily, "It appears as if there is a fear that if this is honestly discussed, people will hate all illegal immigrants. So there is silence. … But in being silent about the rapes and murders, it is as if the victims never even existed."

Schurman-Kauflin, who runs the Violent Crimes Institute in Atlanta, participated in a 12-month, in-depth study of illegal immigrants who committed sex crimes and murders from January 1999 through April 2006. The study found approximately 240,000 illegal-immigrant sex offenders reside in the United States – while 93 sex offenders and 12 serial sexual offenders come across U.S. borders illegally every day.

Schurman-Kauflin said, "Gang rapes by illegal immigrants appear to be gang related. Many of the cases I reviewed involved gang members. As part of being a cohesive group, they offend together. Inflicting brutal gang rapes brings them closer together as a group. It is a way to demonstrate their power. And it sends a message to anyone who dares to cross them."

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC told WND it now is tracking 12 gang rapes by illegal aliens within America's borders since Oct. 2004.

ALIPAC's president, William Gheen, said, "These are just the ones we know of. The real number is much higher."

Gheen told WND he believes the number of gang rapes is increasing as the population of illegal aliens in the U.S. increases.

"Many illegal aliens have a rape and pillage mentality toward America," he said. "The government has shown them they can break our laws on many levels without much fear of enforcement. Why should they think of rape or gang rape any differently?"

Gheen said, "Illegal aliens are more likely to engage in these crimes because rapes and gang rapes are much more common in the gang-rule Third World areas they come from."

MS-13, also known as Mara Salvatrucha, a highly organized and well-funded Central American gang, is infiltrating at least 33 states across the U.S., according to law-enforcement authorities. The gang is well-known in Los Angeles, Houston, New York and Washington, D.C., for excessive brutality. Any person suspected of cooperating with authorities is hunted down, tortured and killed. Initiation rites include kickings, beatings and gang rapes.

Gheen said, "These gangs are forcing new female gang members to undergo gang rape to enter the gang and they are asking their male initiates to gang rape American women to become an official member of the gang."

MS-13 relies on metropolitan areas with highly concentrated populations of illegal aliens to boost its spreading membership. Chapters require that initiates perform random acts of violence, such as participating in gang rapes, to gain acceptance, confirm law-enforcement officials.

Three MS-13 gang members were charged in the brutal rapes of two deaf girls, one 14, the other 17, in a Massachusetts park in 2002. One victim, who also suffered from cerebral palsy, was pushed out of her wheelchair before being raped repeatedly.

Illegal alien rapists often maintain several aliases, making escaping justice easier.

Jorge Villa-Gutierrez, 25, is in prison for the gang rape of an 18-year-old Douglas County, Colorado woman. He claimed to have paid only $100 for a fake ID and Social Security number.

Manuel Cantu, 28, pleaded guilty in Middlesex Superior Court February 2005 in Cambridge, Mass., to six counts of rape and one count of indecent assault and battery on a person over 14 years old. Cantu also went by the aliases Angel Meza and Angel M. Salvador, according to court documents.

Gheen said, "Illegal aliens have been walking out of American prisons after serving their time at taxpayer expense without being deported. Our government can't or won't find the hundreds of thousands of known felon illegal aliens walking America's streets tonight much less stop the new felons coming in tonight across our unsecured borders."

The Violent Crimes Institute study established a pattern of escalating offenses among illegal aliens, whose first offense was illegally entering the U.S.

Schurman-Kauflin told WND, "Illegal immigrants who commit sex crimes first cross the U.S. border illegally, then gradually commit worse crimes and are continually released back into society or deported. Those who were deported simply returned illegally again. There is a clear pattern of criminal escalation. From misdemeanors such as assault or DUI, to drug offenses, illegal immigrants who commit sex crimes break U.S. laws repeatedly."

Most of the offenders reported in the study were located in states with the highest numbers of illegal immigrants. California was No. 1, followed by Texas, Arizona, New Jersey, New York and Florida. The 1,500 offenders studied had a total of 5,999 victims – averaging four victims each. Of those studied, 525, or 35 percent, were child molestations, 358, or 24 percent, were rapes, and 617, or 41 percent, were sexual homicides and serial murders.

Schurman-Kauflin said, "We need to know who is coming into this country. It is a matter of security, life and death. … Our borders should be secured so that those with evil intentions cannot enter. We need more Border Patrol agents, more training for these agents and a commitment that we will not tolerate predators coming into this country. There must be security and a return to the rule of law."

Last year, officials of the House Judiciary Committee said that U.S. immigration officers and police are not always on the same page. Police do not always inform immigration authorities about arrests of undocumented aliens, and immigration officers are often too late to identify the aliens before they are released on bail.

New York's arm of the Department of Homeland Security is only interviewing 40 percent of foreign-born inmates at Rikers Island – "a failure that puts criminal aliens back on the streets instead of deporting them," according to the New York Post.

"Gang rape is a form of terrorism. It has been used throughout history as a weapon of terror," Gheen said. "Most Americans do not see the war that is already upon us in our communities and neighborhoods."

Some high-profile gang rapes by illegal immigrants include:

December 2002 – In New York, several criminal aliens, who had passed in and out of Rikers and other jails without being detected by immigration officials, brutally beat and gang-raped a Queens mother of two near Shea Stadium. Three of the five rapists were illegal Mexican aliens with multiple prior arrests for crimes including assault, weapon possession and armed robbery.

January 2004 – Four illegal aliens were among the five men who brutally gang-raped a New York City woman. "They punched me so hard that I was knocked to the floor," the 43-year-old victim wrote before Supreme Court Justice Randall Eng sentenced one of her attackers, Victor Cruz, to 21 years in prison. Cruz, Luis Carmona, Carlos Rodriguez, Armando Juvenal and José Hernandez pleaded guilty in December to rape and kidnapping charges in exchange for sentences of 20 to 23 years.

October 2004 – a 37-year-old North Carolina woman was gang raped by at least seven illegal aliens in Huntersville, N.C.

Oct. 4, 2005 – In Immokalee, Fla., 14 field laborers, ranging in age from 18 to 56, broke into an 18-year-old woman's home, dragged her across the street and then took turns raping her. The victim said the men choked and hit her until she became unconscious. When she awoke, a man poured alcohol in her mouth. The men removed her clothing and each one raped her.

June 28, 2006 – Texas' Waco Tribune Herald reported illegal immigrants Javier Guzman Martinez, 18, and Noel Darwin Hernandez, 22, have been charged with one count of aggravated kidnapping and one count of aggravated sexual assault of an 18-year-old Tehuacana woman. The girl had been cut with a piece of glass or "other unknown object."

July 10 – In Sayre, Pa., the Evening Times reported "Gasper Almilcar Guzman" was among a group of men who were found July 10 to be in this country illegally following a routine traffic stop in Athens Township. Guzman had been convicted of raping a 14-year-old girl in Alabama in 2005. Guzman was deported before he could begin serving his five-year sentence.

July 13 -- In Noblesville, Ind., an illegal alien named Miguel Gutierrez, 20, faces two counts of rape for taking a 14-year-old into a garage and participating in a four-man gang rape on the girl. Following the gang rape, the girl was forced into a car and raped again, according to news reports.

July 17 – In Greenville, N.C., Fernando Cruz, 41, Walter Ramires, 26, Luis Morales, 24, and Pedro Vasques, 27, were charged with first-degree rape and first-degree kidnapping of a woman. They drove the woman to a field path on the edge of town and took turns raping her.

July 21 – Sinoe Salgado Garcia, a 28-year-old Fontana, Calif., man convicted of kidnapping and raping a 4-year-old girl, was sentenced to a 30-year-to-life prison term, according to the Riverside Press Enterprise. The child was found hours later inside a shed, thrown over a 6-foot-tall block wall, investigators said. She underwent surgery to repair damage caused by the rape and sodomy, court records show. The site reported that she also suffered three facial fractures.

Aug. 3 – Two young illegal aliens living in Charlotte, N.C., were charged with gang raping an Asheville teenager at the Red Roof Inn. They are 22-year-old Pablo Vasquez Osorio and 23-year-old Marcos Guerrero Fuentes. Both were charged with first-degree rape and kidnapping of a 17-year-old Asheville girl at a Red Roof Inn.

Child Rapist Goes Free Because Court Can't Find Interpreter

Alleged Child Rapist Goes Free Because Court Can't Find Interpreter
Sunday, July 22, 2007

ROCKVILLE, Md. — Charges against a man accused of repeatedly raping and molesting a 7-year-old girl were dismissed last week because the court could not find an interpreter fluent in the suspect's native West African language.

Mahamu Kanneh, a Liberian native who received asylum in this country and attended high school and community college here, according to The Washington Post, was denied a speedy trial after three years awaiting a court-appointed interpreter who could speak the tribal language of Vai.

Click here to read The Washington Post article.

A court-ordered psychiatrist determined that Kanneh, despite his functional facility with English — he originally spoke with detectives in English, The Post reports, needed to have Vai spoken in order to understand the proceedings against him.

Loretta Knight, a clerk with the court system in Montgomery County, Md., said she had been unable to find an interpreter to stay on the case, even after an exhaustive search that included the Liberian Embassy and courts in 47 states.

Judge Katherine Savage called her decision to dismiss the charges one of the most difficult she's had to make in a long time, especially since she was aware of "the gravity of this case and the community's concern about offenses of this type."

Black footballers gang-raped of 12-year-old White girl

In May 2004, Chris Collins (Christopher Edward Collins, Jr) and another (racist-Negroid) man were arrested and charged with sexually assaulting a White 12-year-old girl at a hotel in Texarkana, Tex., during an after-prom party. Two other Ubangi tribesmen were charged in December 2005. Collins pleaded not guilty in March, after being indicted by a grand jury in December 2004. The case has created controversy in Texarkana, a small city of 35,000 on the Arkansas border. Collins and the three other men are Jew-incited racists, and the girl is white;


Poor Bill Gates! It seems that America's "harsh" immigration laws are
constricting his flow of cheap Third World techie labor, and Bill is so
miffed he's setting up shop across the border in Canada, where the
immigration laws are even more non-existent than they are here.

According to Breitbart News, "US software behemoth Microsoft Corp. said
Thursday it would soon open an office in Canada, lamenting tough
rules in the United States that make it difficult to hire foreign
staff. 'It
is about recruiting the best and brightest, and right now, the majority
coming from overseas,' Marc Seaman, a spokesman for the world's biggest
software company, told The Globe and Mail newspaper."

So, the United States educational system did not turn out hundreds of
thousands of new IT graduates in the past ten years? That's odd...I was
certain I heard...oh, well, Bill Gates wouldn't lie, now would he? So I
guess nobody in the U.S.A. is teaching any IT or electronic engineering
software design courses any more. Gee. Think we should?

Breitbart goes on: "The development office, to be opened in Vancouver,
three-hour drive north from Microsoft's Redmond, Washington
will initially be staffed by some 300 recruits from around the world,
company said. Eventually, it could grow to house as many as 1,000
Canada is currently the third-largest source of recruits for Microsoft
outside the United States, after India and Japan."

Okay, Your Friend and Humble Narrator having worked at several
companies, which for obvious reasons shall remain nameless, I can tell
that one of the oldest immigration dodges in the book is, or used to

A) Set up a phony Canadian subsidiary as a front; B) Hire a whole slew
cheapo "science and technical graduates" from Rangoon U. or the
School of Engineering; C) Get them legalized in Canada, which is
a matter of simply wearing a dark skin and filling out a few forms; and
D) Bring them down to the parent company in the United States where the
work is being done as alleged "Canadians" on one-year visas. Visas
with a little greasing of the correct palms at ICE can be extended year
after year after year--or abruptly terminated at will, an excellent
useful for keeping the workforce docile. This is also one way that
of suspect Third World "doctors" get into this country and end up in
clinics and emergency rooms, by the way.

What do you want to bet that within a year or so the American Microsoft
facilities will be swarming with dark-skinned "software designers" and
"engineers" who barely speak English, working for $35,000 per year and
benefits (since they're "temporary Canadians") where a competent and
experienced American would demand $75,000 or $100,000 for the same
Five of them splitting the rent on some house in Redmond or Bellevue
like so
many high-tech Mexicans?

The truth that everyone needs to understand about illegal immigration:
Mexicans are being brought in to replace blacks. Asians are being
brought in
to replace Whites. [Harold Covington]

Visit the Canadian Association for Free Expression's website:


5yr old white child shot to death by black savages

Cape Town - "I never thought in my wildest dreams that my child would become part of the crime statistics."

These were the words of April Meiring, whose White son Dillon, 5, was shot dead on Friday after armed Mau-Mau opened fire on the family's car. Dillon was shot in the face while his family was waiting at a fuel station next to the N1. The family, who is from Oudsthoorn, was in Cape Town to attend a funeral and they were waiting for family members to take them to their destination at the Engen filling station outside Kraaifontein.

"We missed my uncle's funeral on Saturday. Now we have to make arrangements for Dillon's funeral. "I just want to go home to Oudtshoorn. One feels better at home. My car is still with the police and I would like to take my child's body back". The family arrived at the filling station shortly before 19:00 on Friday. Dillon's mother, Samantha, went into the shop. Their two other children, Zhane, 8, and Darrel, one, and the two children of another family member were also inside the vehicle.

As Mrs Meiring returned to the car, she overheard a group of men and realised they were robbing another man. "She looked one of the robbers in the face. He had a gun in his hand. "She got into the car and as I drove off, one of the robbers touched the door. I don't know how many shots were fired. "Then my wife said our child was shot." said Meiring.

Dillon was sitting on his mother's lap in the passenger's seat when he was hit. According to Meiring they tried desperately to stop other motorists. Meiring called on the government to do something about the crime situation in South Africa. "I even tried to talk to the president at the imbizo on Saturday, but there were many people and I didn't get a chance. I'm not angry with anybody, but the government must start doing its share. I don't want something similar to happen to another child."


NEW HAVEN, Connecticut - As many U.S. cities and states arrest Jew-driven, illegal White-haters, in raids and toughen laws against them, a Jew-Marxist-Connecticut city is offering to get rid of the Whites in their city.

Starting Tuesday, New Haven will offer White-hating, illegal felons municipal identification cards that allow free access to city services, on the backs of White people, such as libraries and a chance to open bank accounts, so it makes no difference if you are a citizen or not.

American Whites know it will unleash a flood of Jew-driven, illegal immigration, straining services and wasting White taxpayer money, so that the Jew can eliminate the White race.

ACTION ONE Assert your rights. Do this ASAP:

RE: Public officials in government offices (welfare offices, DMV offices, law enforcement offices, etc) who are ignoring illegals and illegal activities are aiding and abetting violations of federal and state laws.

Keep in mind that many states mandate bonding public officials (to protect taxpayers against government fraud).

Aiding and abetting illegal activity seriously impairs a government official's ability to be bonded; violating the terms of getting bonded would necessitate expulsion from a government job.

The following offices should be contacted at once.

(A) Every state has a Dept of Insurance, and an insurance fraud unit, that polices the insurance business.

(B) Every state's Atty General's office should have an Insurance Fraud Prosecutor who should be contacted.

Bonded government officials using tax-funded offices to aid and abet illegal activity should be reported ASAP.


ACTION TWO Now, here's another way to go:

Misusing tax funded government offices AND the proceeds from tax-exempt bonds to aid and abet illegal activities could be prosecuted under criminal laws.

The SEC and IRS do NOT like to hear that tax-exempt funds were misued. Or that tax-exempt investors and bondholders were misled about the proceeds of state/municipal tax-exempt bond rederenda.

The DOJ might also be alarmed.

Now if it were to be found that illegal aliens using fraudulent documents voted on tax-exempt bond referenda (and made taxing decisions for US citizens) that is A SERIOUS CRIME.

Express your concerns (A) about the validity of state and municipal bond referenda, and, (B) whether government offices using tax-exempt monies inappropriately should be prosecuted for criminality.



PHONE THE IRS TOLL FREE 1-800-829-0433 You may remain anonymous if you wish.\

What’s the big deal, Connecticut elitists like Paul Newman, Martha Stewart, David Letterman and Chris Dodd need their lawns mowed too.

Welcome to the New America

Bank of America
A conversation between a Customer and Bank of America
Bank: This is the Bank of America, can I help you?
Customer: Yes, I want to cancel my account. I don't want to do business
with you any longer.
Bank: Why?
Customer: You're giving credit to illegal immigrants and I don't think it's
right. I'm taking my business elsewhere.
Bank: Well, Mr. Customer, we don't want to see you do that, but we can't
stop you. I'll help you close the account. What is your account number? !
Customer: (gives account number)
Bank: For security purposes and for your protection,can you please give me
the last four digits of your social security number?
Customer: No.
Bank: Mr. Customer, I need to verify your information, but in order to help
you, I'll need verification of who you are.
Customer: Why should I give you my social security number? The reason I'm
closing my account is that your bank is issuing credit cards to illegal
immigrants who don't have social security numbers.
You are targeting that audience and want their business. Let's say I'm an
illegal immigrant and you've given me a credit card. I have a question
about it and call for assistance. You wouldn't be asking me for a Social
Security number, would you?
Bank : No sir, I wouldn't.
Customer: Why not?
Bank: Because you would have pressed '2' to speak in Spanish. We don't ask
for that information when calling in on the Spanish line. CHECK THIS OUT ON SNOPES!!!!! IT'S TRUE!!!!!!